About Me
My Story
My Story, makes it sound as though I am talking of the past. Of a journey undertaken and completed. Yet this is far from true, the journey of tuning into my body, of learning how to become a more impactful activist and citizen of Mother Earth feels as though it is at its beginning. I hope that this is a journey many will accompany me on as we explore together what it means to live joyfully, to live in harmony with the natural world and to engage in activity which restores the balance of earthly systems as well as our own.
For most of my life I have lived in my head, planning what to do next or dwelling on things undone. I’ve been caught in a system that measures success on academic achievement, income, steps up the career ladder over mental and physical health, happiness and the health of the living world. It is only recently that I have embarked on activities which have encouraged me to allow my mind to slip out of my head and into my body and to tune into what she is trying to tell me. Do I find this easy? Absolutely not! Is it valuable? Most definitely. The times when I feel most connected to the earth and to other people are when I stop thinking and just feel. Be that intense grief at all we are losing shared with like-minded souls or breath-taking wonder at the majesty of the natural world.
I believe our current system encourages and exacerbates the disconnect we are all experiencing from nature. I also believe repairing it is key to tackling, not only the climate crisis but the myriad other systems that are currently at breaking point. Through the process of exploring what provides me with a sense of purpose and fulfilment I am coming to see my role as one that helps to reconnect people, not only with our beautiful planet but with themselves and others too. One that provides valuable experiences in the natural world and that encourages us to question the status quo. I believe this questioning and these experiences are an integral part of building community. A collaborative, connected community, that shares its knowledge and experiences and comes together to work in service of the earth.
Having been dissuaded from asking questions and encouraged to accept things as they are through the channels of formal education, I want to provide a space which encourages the opposite. A space which welcomes all levels of knowledge, where all questions are respected and all that is required is a desire to learn and a motivation to act. A space where we can explore together the contributions we want to make. A space where everyone is encouraged to share their passions and motivations with honesty and vulnerability. Where we will support one another at whatever point on the journey we may be.
I understand how tough it can be to look the challenges we face in the eye. How overwhelming and lonely it can feel and at times how pointless. I know how it feels to stop yourself from sharing your fears with people who brush them aside. I know how it feels to want to dive deeply into challenging topics when those around you seem satisfied by the minutiae. To feel as though you are too much, too intense. I also know the joy of finding a community of people who get you, who get IT. People who don’t think your fears are unfounded, who encourage you to share your thoughts and feelings and who support you in your grief. I want to invite you into just such a space. One where you can bring your whole self. One where you can be vulnerable, be seen and heard and supported. A space where you can be free to explore your feelings around the climate crisis and with others begin exploring how you want to move forward. What action you want to take.
I also continue to struggle with the highs and lows that accompany climate action and a love of the natural world. I understand what it is to step away and stop acting even when you feel you should be doing more than ever, as well as how it feels to go full steam ahead throwing yourself into more than is wise all in one go. I continue to search for balance and encourage you to join me on this journey. To leave behind any feelings of guilt about what you should be doing and instead to join others in finding out what it is that you can be doing, right now. To find inspiration from and with others. To rest and regenerate as well as to act. At times I also struggle to find joy in the day-to-day. Despite a deep love of the natural world, I can find myself looking at her through the lens of loss. Seeing all that we are losing instead of all of the magic she possesses in spite of our actions. I want to create a space in which, alongside others, I can immerse myself in the beauty of nature. A space where I can allow myself to feel the joy of it. To be filled up ready once again to act on nature’s behalf. I want to do this with you, my eco-minded community.
If the natural world is something you care about, if the climate crisis has been on your conscience but you feel unsure what you can do or if you are already involved in climate activism but find yourself running out of steam and in need of a healing break in nature then I hope you will join me. I hope you will take the time to explore how we can create a better future for our planet and for ourselves through a deeper connection with the natural world, with ourselves and with one another.