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An Introduction to Zero Waste Workshop - Part 2

Due to the current covid-19 pandemic the Zero Waste workshops have been postponed. Keep an eye on my social media channels for announcements of when the next sessions will be running.

Are you at the start of your Zero Waste journey?

Do you want to understand the environmental impact of our actions and how to reduce your carbon footprint?

Are you keen to learn new tools for embarking on your less waste journey?

If the answer is yes, then come along and join me for part two of ‘An Introduction to Zero Waste’ at the Wholesome Weigh, Hitchin’s very own bulk store, on Thursday 23rd April, 7.30-9.30pm.

Part 2:

After looking at the type of waste we are creating in the first workshop, we will delve into the changes we can make to reduce this waste in part two.

We will be primarily concentrating on the weekly shop.

Food is a great place to start when embarking on a less waste lifestyle. It is something that comes into our homes on a regular basis and often bringing with it a significant amount of single use packaging. We will look at a typical weekly shopping list and considering what alternative options exist. We will also be considering the types of challenges we might face when building new shopping habits into our lives as well as potential solutions we might put in place to manage some of these challenges.

There will be an opportunity for everybody to feed back and for the whole group to share solutions. There will also be a habit tracker worksheet for you to take away to help keep you on track as you begin to implement your new habits after the end of the workshop.

We will finish the session by thinking about next steps; how you might move forward on your journey and the types of support that are out there to help and encourage you.

The Wholesome Weigh will be open from 7pm to allow you to top up on any bulk items before the start of the session. Remember to bring and bags and containers if you would like to make use of this. There will also be a chance to grab a cuppa and catch up with others from session one before we get stuck in to session two at 7.30pm.

You can book tickets here - I look forward to meeting you all.

April 16

An Introduction to Zero Waste Workshop - Part 1